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Misael Ramirez
The trip that we attended on Monday was an eye opening to the different machinery that was created for printing, a question that I wished I had ask is; do receiving mail digitally instead of by paper do damage to the company? Or does it make traditional mail more valuable?
Misael Ramirez
The machines used back in the day seem a little dangerous to use, although it was a faster process then what Gutenberg had invented, this was based on his printing ideas of using movable type in order to create multiple pages of a piece of work. Through time machines like the ones that where shown today had improve, not just on the speed that they where printed in but also the amount of colors they could use, it went from being limited to using a single color to having the ability to use up to 5 colors. The way the images on the paper and the letters looked also depend on the type of paper that was used. Depending in the paper the image could look sharpen or have more color.
The reasoning behind my logo is that the logo is related to the old superman font and the Universal Studio logo (without the planet) Superman and superheroes are one of my favorite things to watch on theater or read in comic books, I was always a fan of Universal movies during my childhood, Jurassic Park is my favorite movie of all time and this logo is to show my appreciation.
I wanted to maintain a classical style and nothing too flashy, straight to the point with no unnecessary lines or objects