Final Exam & Other Info.!

Hi Students!

Please remember that the final exam for ENG 1101 is tomorrow (Tues., 5/21) at 10am sharp! Remember to bring the exam article (“Steve Jobs Never Wanted Us to Use Our iPhones Like This”) to class. If you happen to forget the article at home, don’t worry, I will have copies.

ALSO — if possible, please bring the file folders I gave you at the start of the semester and any homework I passed back. If you no longer have this, it’s not a big deal– I just like to double-check that I’ve given you proper credit for everything! (Brittney and Krissia– I have your folders already.)

AND– The list below indicates the students who need to come to class at the regular 9am lab time. If you are not on this list, then you can come at 10am for the exam. DON’T BE LATE!!!

  • Flora
  • Rachel
  • Karina
  • Miara
  • Jaswinder
  • Krissia
  • Fatoumata
  • Muhammad
  • Brandon Sookdeo

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