
I’ve found that working for any type of business there always has to be a good relationship between an employer and employee. In my experience it’s not always easy to establish and I’ve left jobs not because the money wasn’t good but because my supervisor/manager was difficult to communicate with. Managers always seem to have a favorite and if you aren’t one of them you are ignored.  Managers need to stay neutral. They are meant to motivate employees to be the best that they can be and help an employee think out of the box. Letting the employee feel like they have the power to suggest ways of making ideas or fixing problems that can help relationships between guests or helping the company grow, will make them stay because they feel important. They feel like someone, the manager, is there to support them. Many times managers can find this threating but they shouldn’t. We are all a team. My passion lies in HR. I want managers and employees to have a good relationship so that there is less turnover.

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