Dental Skills:
These are the skills I have acquired and practiced for two years in my dental hygiene clinic:
Knowledge of Dentimax software.
Blood Pressure Screenings.
Oral Cancer Screening ( EO/IO)
Screening for Periodontal Disease and Dental Caries
Scaling and Root Planning using Cavitron and hand instruments.
Engine and Air Polishing.
Placement of Arestin
Placement of Periodontal Dressing.
Placement of IRM using the Tofflemire matrix band.
Removal of sutures.
Make alginate impressions and pouring up models.
Fluoride Treatment (Varnish, neutral, and acidulated foam and gel applications).
Radiographs: Horizontal Bitewings, Vertical Bitewings, Full Mouth Series consisting of 20 films and Panoramic radiographs.
Oral Hygiene Instruction based on patient needs with the ability to educate and motivate patients to care for their oral health.
Pit and Fissure Sealants (Both with rubber dam/cotton roll isolation).
Administer Oraqix.
Administer Local Infiltration Anesthesia in the state of NY.
Languages: English and Spanish