ZWarde’s Profile

Active 7 years, 2 months ago
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Major Program of Study

I am currently enrolled in the RN to BSN program at NYC College of Technology. I am hoping that my NUR 3010 Physical Assessment class will further expand my knowledge and equip me with the the skills and confidence needed to perform proper focused and comprehensive assessment on my patients.

The learning center would be an excellent resource for students to use for tutoring services if they’re having difficulty with course work. Link attached below.

We also we have our online library site, which can serve as a mean for finding textbook material or a source to conduct online research for any class. The link for that is

My Courses

Professional Nursing Practice

Professional Nursing Practice

A variety of professional, historical theoretical, ethical and health related issues relevant to contemporary nursing are discussed

Physassmennt HD99  PM section

Physassmennt HD99 PM section

basic health assessment for RN-BS

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