Zoila’s Profile

Active 1 years, 3 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management

Hi! my name is Zoila, I’m a freshmen majoring in hospitality management. I l love culinary and enjoy cooking savory foods. I have previously competed in culinary competitions . I also enjoy reading, whenever I have free time. my favorite genre is crime/thriller.in addition I picked up a new interest of going fishing, which is pretty fun.


My Courses

HMGT1101-D406-20569-Fall 2023

HMGT1101-D406-20569-Fall 2023

Stu­dents are guided through an overview of the his­tory, likely di­rec­tions and or­ga­ni­za­tional struc­ture of the hos­pi­tal­ity in­dus­try and its role in local, na­tional and global economies. Stu­dents are in­tro­duced to the na­ture and scope of the hos­pi­tal­ity in­dus­try, basic ter­mi­nol­ogy, man­age­ment con­cepts, ca­reer path ex­plo­rations and the de­part­ment’s mis­sion and cul­ture.

ENG1101 EngComp FA2023 D193

EN­G1101 En­g­Comp FA2023 D193

Every City Tech (and CUNY) stu­dent takes Eng­lish 1101 Com­po­si­tion I, which fea­tures read­ing and writ­ing as­sign­ments that will help pre­pare you for col­lege and be­yond. To­gether we will work on com­mu­ni­cat­ing ef­fec­tively, build­ing an ar­gu­ment, adapt­ing your writ­ing for dif­fer­ent needs and sit­u­a­tions, in­ter­pret­ing, and re­spond­ing to a text, in­cor­po­rat­ing, and cit­ing sec­ondary source ma­te­r­ial. We will learn basic re­search tech­niques in­clud­ing li­brary use. We will be read­ing pieces both for their in­her­ent lit­er­ary and in­for­ma­tional value and as mod­els for our own writ­ing pro­jects. Shar­ing your own ideas and ex­pe­ri­ences and adding your voice to our dis­cus­sions will en­rich our class com­mu­nity. We will also ded­i­cate time to strength­en­ing fun­da­men­tal read­ing and writ­ing skills. We will focus on en­hanc­ing vo­cab­u­lary and crit­i­cal read­ing skills, using step-by-step ap­proaches to writ­ing as­sign­ments, im­prov­ing gram­mar and punc­tu­a­tion skills, and cul­ti­vat­ing pos­i­tive habits for col­lege suc­cess, in­clud­ing note-tak­ing and study skills.

My Projects

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My Clubs

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Zoila's Friends

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