zhen Xuan Pan’s Profile

Active 1 years, 2 months ago
zhen Xuan Pan
Display Name
zhen Xuan Pan
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

CST 2312 Information and Data Management I: Fall 2023

CST 2312 Information and Data Management I: Fall 2023

This course introduces students to the necessary informatics and intellectual tools to become efficient and effective information users. The course covers topics related to digital infrastructure, acquisition, organization, management, and curation of data. The course is structured around the Python tools for regular expression analysis, accessing data sources (crawling, Web APIs), and analysis of structured data. At the end of the class, the students complete a project to demonstrate mastery of the technical topics discussed in class with an application to their domain of interest.

EL 021W E940 Sp 2020

EL 021W E940 Sp 2020

Low advanced second language writing course that focuses on developing students’ language, writing and reading skills for college readiness.

ESOL1300 D892 SP2020

ESOL1300 D892 SP2020

This is a course in American English pronunciation and communication skills for non-native speakers of English. Students will learn and practice the sound system and work on intonation and accent.

My Projects

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