yuqing Liangā€™s Profile

Active 7 years, 4 months ago
yuqing Liang
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yuqing Liang

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This is an entry level ESL writĀ­ing class. The goal of the course is to imĀ­prove the writĀ­ing skills of ESOL stuĀ­dents. The class will focus on orĀ­gaĀ­nizĀ­ing and deĀ­velĀ­opĀ­ing ideas, reĀ­spondĀ­ing to ideas exĀ­pressed in readĀ­ing seĀ­lecĀ­tions, inĀ­creasĀ­ing voĀ­cabĀ­uĀ­lary, and masĀ­terĀ­ing the rules of basic EngĀ­lish gramĀ­mar.

ESOL 222R, FYSP 3 ā€“ ESOL Reading 2

ESOL 222R, FYSP 3 ā€“ ESOL ReadĀ­ing 2

The purĀ­pose of this course is to proĀ­vide inĀ­tenĀ­sive work on inĀ­terĀ­meĀ­diĀ­ate EngĀ­lish lanĀ­guage and readĀ­ing skills necĀ­esĀ­sary for colĀ­lege-level work. This is a secĀ­ond-level readĀ­ing course, in our three-level seĀ­quence. The goal of the course is to build strong readĀ­ing and thinkĀ­ing skills by inĀ­tenĀ­siĀ­fyĀ­ing the quanĀ­tity of readĀ­ing and the level and qualĀ­ity of analyĀ­sis. StuĀ­dents will read in and out of class. Weekly voĀ­cabĀ­uĀ­lary and readĀ­ing comĀ­preĀ­henĀ­sion quizzes will build lanĀ­guage proĀ­fiĀ­ciency and test takĀ­ing abilĀ­ity. All course work will inĀ­crease stuĀ­dent readĀ­ing comĀ­preĀ­henĀ­sion, genĀ­eral and disĀ­ciĀ­pline-based knowlĀ­edge and faĀ­cilĀ­iĀ­tate passĀ­ing the CUNY stanĀ­dardĀ­ized exam. By the end of the seĀ­mesĀ­ter, the stuĀ­dents should acĀ­quire the folĀ­lowĀ­ing comĀ­peĀ­tenĀ­cies: ā€¢ IdenĀ­tify subĀ­ject matĀ­ter/disĀ­ciĀ­pline in a given text ā€¢ IdenĀ­tify auĀ­thorā€™s point of view and tone ā€¢ State the main idea of the text ā€¢ RecĀ­ogĀ­nize imĀ­plied meanĀ­ing in text ā€¢ CritĀ­iĀ­cally anĀ­aĀ­lyze a text within its soĀ­cio-poĀ­litĀ­iĀ­cal conĀ­texts ā€¢ DisĀ­cuss ideas exĀ­pressed in a text using colĀ­lege-level voĀ­cabĀ­uĀ­lary ā€¢ Write short sumĀ­maries ā€¢ RecĀ­ogĀ­nize difĀ­ferĀ­ent text genĀ­res, e.g., arĀ­guĀ­menĀ­taĀ­tion, disĀ­cusĀ­sion, reĀ­port, proĀ­posal ā€¢ UnĀ­derĀ­stand the role of tranĀ­siĀ­tional words ā€¢ RecĀ­ogĀ­nize writerā€™s purĀ­pose and auĀ­diĀ­ence

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