yuqing Liangās Profile

My Courses
This is an entry level ESL writĀing class. The goal of the course is to imĀprove the writĀing skills of ESOL stuĀdents. The class will focus on orĀgaĀnizĀing and deĀvelĀopĀing ideas, reĀspondĀing to ideas exĀpressed in readĀing seĀlecĀtions, inĀcreasĀing voĀcabĀuĀlary, and masĀterĀing the rules of basic EngĀlish gramĀmar.
ESOL 222R, FYSP 3 ā ESOL ReadĀing 2
The purĀpose of this course is to proĀvide inĀtenĀsive work on inĀterĀmeĀdiĀate EngĀlish lanĀguage and readĀing skills necĀesĀsary for colĀlege-level work. This is a secĀond-level readĀing course, in our three-level seĀquence. The goal of the course is to build strong readĀing and thinkĀing skills by inĀtenĀsiĀfyĀing the quanĀtity of readĀing and the level and qualĀity of analyĀsis. StuĀdents will read in and out of class. Weekly voĀcabĀuĀlary and readĀing comĀpreĀhenĀsion quizzes will build lanĀguage proĀfiĀciency and test takĀing abilĀity. All course work will inĀcrease stuĀdent readĀing comĀpreĀhenĀsion, genĀeral and disĀciĀpline-based knowlĀedge and faĀcilĀiĀtate passĀing the CUNY stanĀdardĀized exam. By the end of the seĀmesĀter, the stuĀdents should acĀquire the folĀlowĀing comĀpeĀtenĀcies: ā¢ IdenĀtify subĀject matĀter/disĀciĀpline in a given text ā¢ IdenĀtify auĀthorās point of view and tone ā¢ State the main idea of the text ā¢ RecĀogĀnize imĀplied meanĀing in text ā¢ CritĀiĀcally anĀaĀlyze a text within its soĀcio-poĀlitĀiĀcal conĀtexts ā¢ DisĀcuss ideas exĀpressed in a text using colĀlege-level voĀcabĀuĀlary ā¢ Write short sumĀmaries ā¢ RecĀogĀnize difĀferĀent text genĀres, e.g., arĀguĀmenĀtaĀtion, disĀcusĀsion, reĀport, proĀposal ā¢ UnĀderĀstand the role of tranĀsiĀtional words ā¢ RecĀogĀnize writerās purĀpose and auĀdiĀence
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