yardley reyes’s Profile

Active 6 years ago
yardley reyes
Display Name
yardley reyes
Major Program of Study
Law and Paralegal Studies

My Courses

LAW2405 Torts, FA2018

LAW2405 Torts, FA2018

Basic tort and insurance law as it relates to personal injuries. Addresses intentional torts, negligence, strict liability, fire insurance, and workers’ compensation, using specific examples and cases to illustrate the relevant legal principles; duties and obligations of parties, interviewing and factual investigation techniques, as well as the preparation of pleadings and the organization of personal injury cases.

LAW 1103, Civil Law & Procedure S17

LAW 1103, Civil Law & Procedure S17

This course is the theory and application of law and procedure in civil litigation with emphasis on New York State law. It focuses on the role of the paralegal in preparing for litigation, including an understanding of the court system, the steps required in the litigation process and their time lines, drafting documents, trial and post-trial topics and an introduction to the use of the computer in litigation.

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