Youness Zaraf’s Profile

Active 2 years, 4 months ago
Youness Zaraf
Display Name
Youness Zaraf
Major Program of Study
Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology

My Courses

ENG2575 Technical Writing (D460), Spring 2022

ENG2575 Technical Writing (D460), Spring 2022

ENG 2575 is an advanced course in effective technical writing techniques, including traditional technical writing forms and World Wide Web communication. This course will have students use electronic media such as Internet, presentation, and graphics programs to communicate technical and scientific information to a variety of audiences via written and oral presentations. Students will also analyze readings in science and technology, study technical writing models, and practice collaborative research and presentation. Building on previous writing courses, this course will reinforce clarity of thinking and expression in effective and correct English. This class meets online synchronously.

PHYS1433, General Physics I: Algebra Based, SP2019

PHYS1433, General Physics I: Algebra Based, SP2019

Algebra-based course on basic concepts of mechanics. Topics include: kinematics (describing motions using position, velocity, acceleration), dynamics (how forces influence motion), describing motion using conserved quantities: energy and momentum, fluids, temperature, heat transfer.

MAT1275CO College Algebra and Trigonometry FA2019

MAT1275CO College Algebra and Trigonometry FA2019

An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, and topics from trigonometry including identities, equations and solutions of triangles.

ENG1101 Fall 2019 AFTERNOON

ENG1101 Fall 2019 AFTERNOON

This course will focus on essential critical thinking, reading, and writing abilities that you will come to use in this class, in all of your other classes, and beyond, in the professionalized working world. The point, and my role, is not to tell you what exactly to write, not even necessarily how to write, but to offer a structured forum in which you can learn the underlying, practical procedures used to approach any writing or reading situation. We will call these differing textual situations ā€œrhetorical situationsā€ and we will call this process of teaching methods (rather than information) ā€œtransferā€. Through engaging different rhetorical situations, we will begin to consider who is speaking, who they are speaking to/for, and why theyā€™re even speaking at all! Through personal exploration, rhetorical analysis, and research, we will also look at the varying social contexts in which some kind of specific meaning is exchanged. The class will involve assignments engaging with a wide range of media and how these media express the world we inhabit. While the goals of this course are communal, oneā€™s journey through writing is intensely personal, and with that in mind, we will foster an environment in which our unique voices, styles, and dispositions can be heard and critiqued as we engage important social, cultural, and existential realities. And finally, we are here, myself included, to grow as thinkers and writers.

My Projects

Self-driving Vehicle Issues

Self-driving Vehicle Issues

We are doing a research report on Self-driving vehicles and their issues – To be changed

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