Yahira Molina’s Profile

Active 1 months, 2 weeks ago
Yahira Molina
Display Name
Yahira Molina
Major Program of Study
Radiologic Technology and Medical Imaging

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This work­shop fo­cuses on help­ing new stu­dents tran­si­tion to col­lege life, and specif­i­cally to City Tech. The work­shop will en­hance the New Stu­dent Con­nec­tion with ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion, ac­tiv­i­ties, and var­i­ous op­por­tu­ni­ties to con­nect with fac­ulty, staff, and cur­rent City Tech stu­dents. In ad­di­tion to learn­ing how to ac­cess a va­ri­ety of col­lege ser­vices and re­sources, stu­dents will de­velop per­son­al­ized plans for their col­lege ca­reer.

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