Yasmine’s Profile

Active 3 years, 9 months ago
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Major Program of Study

My Courses

ENG1141 Creative Writing, SP2021 OL10

EN­G1141 Cre­ative Writ­ing, SP2021 OL10

All writ­ing is cre­ative, in­clud­ing the writ­ing you do for school, in­ter­net posts to so­cial media, and text/email mes­sages. Where there was a blank page–vir­tual or oth­er­wise–and you fill it with your words, you have, in fact, drawn on your in­tel­lec­tual re­sources to cre­ate pat­terns of mean­ing with those words. “Cre­ative writ­ing,” how­ever, gen­er­ally refers to po­etry, fic­tion, drama, and some forms of non-fic­tion–mem­oirs and nar­ra­tives that use the tech­niques of story-telling. We will focus on un­der­stand­ing how form and mean­ing work to­gether and on un­der­stand­ing the types and com­plex­i­ties of each genre–no­tably, fic­tion, non-fic­tion, po­etry, drama, and cross-gen­res–so each stu­dent can begin to de­velop their unique, in­di­vid­ual voice.

English 2190

Eng­lish 2190

Ex­pres­sions of Iden­tity: Gen­der/ Eth­nic­ity/ Sex­u­al­ity & Space

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