tony’s Profile

Active 1 years ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Health Sciences

My Courses



This lab­o­ra­tory course is a co-req­ui­site for Gen­eral Chem­istry – 1110. One three hour lab­o­ra­tory meet­ing per week and a total of 15 meet­ings per se­mes­ter.

My Projects

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My Clubs

Learning and Coding Python with AI!

Learn­ing and Cod­ing Python with AI!

Wel­come to Learn­ing and Cod­ing Python with AI. Our club is open to every­one of all ex­per­tises in Python, prefer­ably be­gin­ners that want to learn the abil­ity to learn on their own! Our mis­sion is to fos­ter a sup­port­ive en­vi­ron­ment where mem­bers can learn, share, and col­lab­o­rate on pro­jects re­lated to Python and AI. We plan on host­ing Zoom meet­ings every 2 weeks (as of now) in the Spring 2024 se­mes­ter at City Tech! Ad­di­tion­ally, I want to help be­gin­ner stu­dents build their re­sume and how they can im­prove their re­sume for fu­ture Com­puter Sci­ence re­lated op­por­tu­ni­ties! Con­tact the owner for more in­for­ma­tion!

tony's Friends

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