Tolu’s Profile

Active 12 years, 3 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Computer Engineering Technology
Academic interests

Computer Engineer

My Courses

CET4711 Computer-Controlled System Design I

CET4711 Computer-Controlled System Design I

The capstone course introduces students to the concepts of computer controlled system design and project management. The course focuses in the application of electric circuits, computer programming, software applications, analog and digital electronics, microcomputers and microcontrollers, networks, and engineering standards to the designing, building, testing, operation, and maintenance of computer systems and associated software systems.

My Projects

Android controlled RC Car Wandering Autonomously

Android controlled RC Car Wandering Autonomously I really enjoyed watching the video

Arduino projects

Arduino projects This project interest me because i find it cool how he used LEDs in arduino to be creative. This is something i think i would enjoy doing because i could use it as decoration in my house. I am a type of person that like to decorate also so this project will be helpful. i will also enjoy doing this project because it is not costly. You do not have to be bankrupted in order to execute this project.

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