Dr. Terence Kivran-Swaine’s Profile

Active 11 years, 1 months ago
1 to 6 (of 6)

Linear Algebra MAT 2580 Sections 1594 & 6642

Dr. Terence Kivran-Swaine
Mathematics|MAT 2580|Fall 2012

This is an introductory Linear Algebra course that will follow develope the theories of dimension and eigenvalues. We will employ the fourth edition of Linear Algebra and its Applications by David Lay. There will […]

MAT2680 Differential Equations, FA2013

Dr. Terence Kivran-Swaine
Mathematics|MAT2680|Fall 2013

This is a course on Differential Equations

Linear Algebra 6646

Linear Algebra 6646

Dr. Terence Kivran-Swaine
Mathematics|MAT 2580|Spring 2012

Linear Algebra taught via the theory of pivot positions.

MAT 1372

MAT 1372

Dr. Terence Kivran-Swaine
Mathematics|MAT 1372|Spring 2012

Probability and Statistics

MAT 1375:Precalculus section 1564

Dr. Terence Kivran-Swaine
Mathematics|MAT 1375|Spring 2013

This is the NYCCT precalculus course

Calculus I 1578

Calculus I 1578

Dr. Terence Kivran-Swaine
Mathematics|MAT1475|Spring 2012

Calculus I: Single variable calculus.