Tenly’s Profile

My Courses
ARCH.2431.Btech 3 – SP2020 – Prof. Paul King
Building Technology III
ARCH 1130 Building Technology I (retired)
This site is the old coordination site for ARCH 1130 Building Technology I.
Adaptive Reuse Studio
An introduction to basic materials of construction and the fundamental principals of hand drafting and system analysis. The coursework includes surveying existing conditions, development of plans, elevations, and sections, and basic details as well as the study of material properties and applications.
ARCH2321 History of Architecture: from 1900 to Present, FA 2018
This course explores current architectural design from both critical and historical perspectives. The course begins with an analysis of the roots of modernism and traces the development of architectural theory, technology and design through the twentieth century with a focus on new architecture.
My Projects
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My Clubs
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Tenly's Friends
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