SyedHamza’s Profile

Active 6 years, 10 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Mechanical Engineering Technology

My Courses

2014 Fall – MAT 2071 Proofs and Logic – Reitz

2014 Fall – MAT 2071 Proofs and Logic – Reitz

This course is designed to prepare students for an advanced mathematics curriculum by providing a transition from Calculus to abstract mathematics. The course focuses on the processes of mathematical reasoning, argument, and discovery. Topics include propositional and first order logic, learning proofs through puzzles and games, axiomatic approach to group theory, number theory, and set theory, abstract properties of relations and functions, elementary graph theory, sets of different cardinalities, and the construction and properties of real numbers. Avatar by flickr user bettysnake: Header image by flickr user theihno:

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