Sumya’s Profile

Active 3 years, 5 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)
ENG2002OL60 Intro to Drama SU2020

ENG2002OL60 Intro to Drama SU2020

Aaron Barlow
ENG2002|Summer 2020

Analysis and critical understanding of selected plays is the heart of this course. As plays are meant to be watched, not read, you will be viewing them online—not an ideal situation, but this is not an ideal t […]

MAT 1475/D606 Fall 2019 Bonanome

Marianna Bonanome
MAT 1475|Fall 2019

Calculus I

MAT2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I, FA2019

MAT2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I, FA2019

Johann Thiel
MAT2440|Fall 2019

This course introduces the foundations of discrete mathematics as they apply to computer science, focusing on providing a solid theoretical foundation for further work. Topics include functions, relations, sets, […]

English 1101: Composing Gender & Sexuality

Hilarie Ashton
English|Fall 2018

Feminist philosopher Judith Butler famously theorized over a quarter century ago that a person’s gender is an ongoing performance: ”there is no gender identity behind the expressions of gender; […] identity is […]