Suiva Hung’s Profile

Active 10 years, 1 months ago
Suiva Hung
Display Name
Suiva Hung
Major Program of Study
Law and Paralegal Studies
Academic interests


My Courses

ENG 3401 Law thru Lit Fall 2014

ENG 3401 Law thru Lit Fall 2014

This course examines literary texts that deal with issues of law and ethics.

My Projects

Writing With Style

Writing With Style

this blog will be about….

Suiva Hung, ESQ.,

Suiva Hung, ESQ.,

About Suiva Hung , ESQ: Is a full service law firm specializing in the areas of immigration and personal injury. We provide immigration services nationwide and all other legal services within the State of New York. And our offices are on the same street as many of the courthouses in which we practice. I have been in the practice for more than 10 years. We handle cases for Aliens petitioner for permanent status (green card), fiancés visas, as well as citizenship and naturalization proceedings. Other visas such as applying for asylum, religious visa, student visa, business visa, investor visa such as H1B, I-9, P, O E and other labor certifications and others. For personal injury, if you have been injured through the negligence of another, we will help you get compensation you deserve. We handle cases of slip and fall, construction accident, automobile accident, assaults, food poisoning, dog bites or anything that you may think it was caused by the negligence of another. Our office staffs are very efficient and we are fluent in Spanish, Mandarin and Cantonese. If you are facing one of these issues come to our office and we will help you with your case. Our offices are open five days a week Monday through Friday.

My Clubs

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Suiva's Friends

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