Advanced didactic material and clinical experience. The instructor serves as a group facilitator who assists the student in developing an appreciation for the concepts, topics and procedures related to the clinical experience and in integrating the material into the practice of clinical oral hygiene
Advanced didactic material and clinical experience. The instructor serves as a group facilitator who assists the student in developing an appreciation for the concepts, topics and procedures related to the clinical experience and in integrating the material into the practice of clinical oral hygiene
This site will be used in Spring 2020 for DEN1200. Announcements, course documents, and lectures will be posted here. The site is currently under construction, but current DH freshman students are invited to join by requesting membership.
This site will be used in Spring 2020 for DEN1200. Announcements, course documents, and lectures will be posted here. The site is currently under construction, but current DH freshman students are invited to join by requesting membership.
This is a 45 CEU continuing education course given by the Dental Hygiene department of NYC College of Technology. Upon completion of this course participant’s will be able to administer local infiltration anesthesia and nitrous oxide analgesia in the state of New York.
It consists of on-line contact hours prior to 4 days of on site classroom and clinic instruction.
Participants MUST be able to administer and receive local anesthesia.
This is a 45 CEU continuing education course given by the Dental Hygiene department of NYC College of Technology. Upon completion of this course participant’s will be able to administer local infiltration anesthesia and nitrous oxide analgesia in the state of New York.
It consists of on-line contact hours prior to 4 days of on site classroom and clinic instruction.
Participants MUST be able to administer and receive local anesthesia.
This is a 45 CEU continuing education course given by the Dental Hygiene department of NYC College of Technology. Upon successful completion of this course and application to New York State, participant’s will be able to administer local infiltration anesthesia and nitrous oxide analgesia in the state of New York.
It consists of on-line contact hours prior to 4 days of on site classroom and clinic instruction.
Participants MUST be able to administer and receive local anesthesia.
This is a 45 CEU continuing education course given by the Dental Hygiene department of NYC College of Technology. Upon successful completion of this course and application to New York State, participant’s will be able to administer local infiltration anesthesia and nitrous oxide analgesia in the state of New York.
It consists of on-line contact hours prior to 4 days of on site classroom and clinic instruction.
Participants MUST be able to administer and receive local anesthesia.
An introduction to the didactic and clinical techniques and principles involved in the practice of dental hygiene. Emphasis is on the principles of optimal patient care including: aseptic techniques, patient assessment, personal oral hygiene and plaque control, fundamentals of instrumentation and related body mechanics, principles of instrument sharpening and emerging modalities.
An introduction to the didactic and clinical techniques and principles involved in the practice of dental hygiene. Emphasis is on the principles of optimal patient care including: aseptic techniques, patient assessment, personal oral hygiene and plaque control, fundamentals of instrumentation and related body mechanics, principles of instrument sharpening and emerging modalities.
New York State Dental Hygiene Educators Association is an association of the educators from the 11 dental hygiene programs across New York State. Members meet at least 1x a year at the annual New York State Dental Hygiene Conference to discuss educational concerns. This website is intended to foster communication and engage ideas via blogging.
New York State Dental Hygiene Educators Association is an association of the educators from the 11 dental hygiene programs across New York State. Members meet at least 1x a year at the annual New York State Dental Hygiene Conference to discuss educational concerns. This website is intended to foster communication and engage ideas via blogging.
A website designed for alll dental hygiene faculty – full time and adjunct – to provide current information regarding all clinical and didactic policies and procedures.
A website designed for alll dental hygiene faculty – full time and adjunct – to provide current information regarding all clinical and didactic policies and procedures.
Assessment is an essential activity at City Tech, and indeed in all colleges and universities as accountability issues gain in importance. Many faculty members have become deeply engaged in assessment and have come to understand how to use it to strengthen curriculum and improve teaching and learning.
The College Wide Assessment Committee at CITY TECH provides leadership and assistance in developing and overseeing a program of evaluation and feedback to enhance institutional effectiveness. The main goal is to design and help to fully implement the an structure, long envisioned, to guide assessment work and for faculty members to assume a greater role in the leadership of this initiative.
The committee also:
– develops and recommends college-wide policies;
– assists in developing assessment procedures that meet accepted standards for data collection and analyses;
– reviews assessment procedures for consistency with goals and objectives;
– reviews results of assessment activities and recommends improvements; and
– reviews the progress of the college in implementing assessment activities;
Assessment is an essential activity at City Tech, and indeed in all colleges and universities as accountability issues gain in importance. Many faculty members have become deeply engaged in assessment and have come to understand how to use it to strengthen curriculum and improve teaching and learning.
The College Wide Assessment Committee at CITY TECH provides leadership and assistance in developing and overseeing a program of evaluation and feedback to enhance institutional effectiveness. The main goal is to design and help to fully implement the an structure, long envisioned, to guide assessment work and for faculty members to assume a greater role in the leadership of this initiative.
The committee also:
– develops and recommends college-wide policies;
– assists in developing assessment procedures that meet accepted standards for data collection and analyses;
– reviews assessment procedures for consistency with goals and objectives;
– reviews results of assessment activities and recommends improvements; and
– reviews the progress of the college in implementing assessment activities;
The CUNY Service Corps will mobilize CUNY students, faculty and staff to work on projects that improve the short and long-term civic, economic and environmental sustainability of New York City and of its residents and communities. The program’s goals are three-fold: for students to make a meaningful difference through service while gaining valuable real-world work experience, earning a wage, and where appropriate, receiving college credit; for faculty members and staff, through their work with students in the program, to have additional opportunities to apply their expertise to addressing many of the city’s key challenges; and for residents, communities, and project sponsors to realize concrete benefits as a result of CUNY Service Corps projects.
The CUNY Service Corps will mobilize CUNY students, faculty and staff to work on projects that improve the short and long-term civic, economic and environmental sustainability of New York City and of its residents and communities. The program’s goals are three-fold: for students to make a meaningful difference through service while gaining valuable real-world work experience, earning a wage, and where appropriate, receiving college credit; for faculty members and staff, through their work with students in the program, to have additional opportunities to apply their expertise to addressing many of the city’s key challenges; and for residents, communities, and project sponsors to realize concrete benefits as a result of CUNY Service Corps projects.