Steven Carpio’s Profile

Active 3 years, 5 months ago
Steven Carpio
Display Name
Steven Carpio
Major Program of Study
Law and Paralegal Studies
Academic interests


My Courses

PHIL 3211 Section E638, Philosophy of Law,  Spring 2020

PHIL 3211 Section E638, Philosophy of Law, Spring 2020

Philosophy of Law



This course examines language use and its cultural underpinnings. Students will discuss world languages, dialects, English language varieties and social views on language users and dialects. Other sociolinguistic phenomena such as gendered language, African American English, regionalisms, etc. will be discussed.

ENG3401 Law thru Lit, FA2019

ENG3401 Law thru Lit, FA2019

“An exploration of concepts of justice, higher law, customary law and written law expressed through works of fiction and non-fiction.”

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