Shaun’s Profile

Active 11 years ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management
Academic interests

Hospitality Management


Events co-coordinator within the travel industry is my personal objective through obtaining an eventual Bachelors degree within the hospital field.
Originally born in the UK I have several trades and over 15 years in the music business. After the vents of September 11th I joined the United States Army. spending the next eight years working within the United States, Europe and the Middle East.
I am a world wide traveler and my objective is to travel every country throughout the world before the age of 75.

My Courses

HGMT1101PerspectivesE501, SP2014

HGMT1101PerspectivesE501, SP2014

An overview of the history, likely directions and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in local, national and global economies. Students are introduced to the nature and scope of the hospitality industry, basic terminology, management concepts, career path explorations and the departmentā€™s mission and culture.

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