SoJung Moon’s Profile

My Courses
ENG1710 Intro to Language and Technology, SP2018
In this rewarding and challenging introductory class, we will endeavor to understand the deep and complex relationship between language and technology through readings and discussion. You will apply your insights and discoveries to a major research project focused on a single form of technology-mediated communication. What you learn will have important significance to a successful career in technical communication.
ENG114-D200, CreativeWritingFA2019
This introductory course in creative writing includes exercises to identify and engage your creative voice, discussions of craft and technique, readings aimed to build critical reading and workshopping skills, and discussion of language and style.
ENG1133 D202 Specialized Communications for Technology Students, SP2017
Capable engineers and technologists are a dime-a-dozen. This class’ purpose is to offer you an opportunity to distinguish yourself among many otherwise qualified individuals by improving essential communication skills. Students will build job application portfolios, improve writing in a variety of formats for different audiences, research something important to their careers so as to have an important writing sample, and practice professional oral presentation skills based on research. This class is difficult in ways different than major-specific classes, but it is the challenge afforded by the intensive projects and weekly in-class writing assignments that develop your communications skills over time. Simply put, students who apply themselves to the class throughout the semester will develop ways of thinking and expressing that will place them above many of their peers in a competitive job market.
My Projects
How to Protect Your Internet Privacy?
Online privacy is unlike privacy in real life. It is not the same as closing the bedroom curtains when you are prepared to go to bed or closing the doors when you pay a visit to your physician. Real life situations do not apply to the online world because the idea of privacy is flawed in the digital space. Most people do not even have an understanding of the importance of online privacy. On our project site you can learn what online privacy means and most importantly, you can find information on how to protect your data from inadvertently being stolen or picked up by an unknown individual.
As the Gourmands, we created an extension to for our project.
My Clubs
SoJung Moon hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.