Selima McMillan’s Profile

Active 2 years, 10 months ago
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ESOL 12R D826/24016

Gertzog 'sEnglish
ESOL 12R|Spring 2020

This is a reading class. The goal of the class is to improve your reading comprehension skills. This will be achieved by mastering the lessons in the text book. By the end of the term you should be able to […]

ESOLO32RD877, SP2020

ESOLO32RD877, SP2020

Julia Ait-ziane
ESOL032R|Spring 2020

Welcome to Advanced Reading in College ESL. This course will focus on reading comprehension, vocabulary development, the use of the dictionary, and study skills, through texts of advanced difficulty.

ESOL021W-D848, SPRING 2020

ESOL021W-D848, SPRING 2020

O. Chajet
ESOL021W|Spring 2020

In this course, you will continue building on the competencies achieved in ESOL011 by further developing your writing, reading and language skills, including expanding college-level vocabulary, and developing more […]

ESOL1300 D892 SP2020

ESOL1300 D892 SP2020

Dr. Lubie G. Alatriste
EL1300|Spring 2020

This is a course in American English pronunciation and communication skills for non-native speakers of English. Students will learn and practice the sound system and work on intonation and accent.

ESOL031W/D875, Advanced Writing College ESL- Spring 2020

ESOL031W/D875, Advanced Writing College ESL- Spring 2020

O. Chajet
ESOL031W|Spring 2020

This is the third level writing course in our ESOL program. The course focuses on further development of academic writing skills and CATW preparation with support in reading comprehension, vocabulary, syntax and grammar.