Stephanie’s Profile

Active 10 years, 5 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Law and Paralegal Studies

My Courses

LAW4900 Senior Legal Seminar, FA2014

LAW4900 Se­nior Legal Sem­i­nar, FA2014

The course is avail­able to stu­dents in the last se­mes­ter of their bac­calau­re­ate course­work. It re­quires stu­dents to uti­lize all of the sub­stan­tive legal knowl­edge and prac­ti­cal legal re­search skills they have ac­quired to pro­duce a sig­nif­i­cant, schol­arly paper on a legal topic. Stu­dents will re­ceive an in­tense re­view of legal re­search tech­niques and legal ethics which are help­ful to them be­fore entry into the legal job mar­ket. In ad­di­tion, lec­tures, dis­cus­sions and guest speak­ers will con­cen­trate on a dif­fer­ent sub­stan­tive area of law each se­mes­ter.

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