Dany Silatcha Woussah’s Profile

Active 7 years, 8 months ago
Dany Silatcha Woussah
Display Name
Dany Silatcha Woussah
Major Program of Study
Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology

My Courses

Transmission Systems

Transmission Systems

Introduction to the analysis of microwave communications and systems. Transmission line theory, the Smith chart and mathematical analysis are incorporated. Various transmission media such as twowire, twisted telephone wires, coaxial cable, waveguides, fiber and satellite are studied. Study of microwave components, Tee connectors, attenuators, slotted lines and cavities are included. Antenna design and radio-wave propagation are also covered (introduced). Concludes with a study of microwave applications and systems. Prerequisite: EET 2140; Pre- or corequisite: MAT 1475

ENG 3773: Advanced Technical Writing (Section D599)

ENG 3773: Advanced Technical Writing (Section D599)

An advanced course that covers a variety of technical writing techniques, including documents intended for online distribution over websites, social media, and multimedia platforms. A good course for any student bound for careers requiring the communication of complex ideas.

My Projects

Dany Silatcha Woussah hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

CityTech Amateur Radio Club

CityTech Amateur Radio Club

This club is open to all students! If you feel like broadening your horizons and learning a bit more about wireless communications, then please join! This club is for students interested in electrical and telecommunications technology. The club will organize semester length group projects involving design, analysis, and troubleshooting. Links will be provided for interesting articles and kits. We’ll also be running workshops to help you obtain your amateur radio license. We look forward to seeing you and joining the team! Note: This club is for serious students only. No immaturity will be tolerated. We will be working with equipment that must be respected.

Dany's Friends

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