simmone’s Profile

Active 1 years, 10 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)

Introduction to Language and Technology

Robert Lestón
ENG1710|Fall 2023

An introduction to the relationship between language and technology by reviewing the history of various technologies of the world, including writing, printing, and digital media. The course explores the history of […]

Self-Help Literature (Spring 2022)

Self-Help Literature (Spring 2022)

Jill Belli
ENG 3402|Spring 2022

“This course explores a specific idea or theme in English-language literature. Discussion and analysis of texts related to the course topic. Topics change each semester and have included humor, vampires and z […]

Race and Ethnic Relations (SOC 1104)

George Murray
SOC 1104|Spring 2020

Race is a myth. In this course, we’ll find out why, and we’ll look at the consequences of falling prey to it.


Professor Sean Scanlan
ENG2001|Fall 2021

In this course, we will study fiction across genres, eras, and locales. We will examine broad themes such as moving, family, home, and the individual.