Shoaib Farid’s Profile

Active 1 years ago
1 to 3 (of 3)
PHIL 3211 Section E638, Philosophy of Law,  Spring 2020

PHIL 3211 Section E638, Philosophy of Law, Spring 2020

Rob MacDougall
PHIL 3211|Spring 2020

Philosophy of Law

ENG 2400 Fall 19

ENG 2400 Fall 19

Caroline Chamberlin Hellman
ENG 2400|Fall 2019

Films from Literature

Law 1202, Real Estate Law, Schechter, Spring 2018

Zehava Schechter
Law and Paraleg...|Law 1202|Spring 2018

This course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of various areas affecting Real Estate Law, including: Residential and Commercial transactions, Landlord/Tenant dealings, Regulatory and Zoning […]