SHARMINA’s Profile

Active 8 hours, 21 minutes ago
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ENG 1101COE016Spring2025

ENG 1101­COE016Spring2025

This is a course in ef­fec­tive essay writ­ing and basic re­search tech­niques in­clud­ing use of the li­brary. Read­ings are as­signed for class­room dis­cus­sion and as a basis for essay writ­ing. Si­mul­ta­ne­ously, we will focus on lan­guage en­hance­ment. This co-req­ui­site fo­cuses on read­ing com­pre­hen­sion; crit­i­cal think­ing; the struc­tured writ­ing process; rhetor­i­cal aware­ness, writ­ing in di­verse gen­res, gram­mar, me­chan­ics and cross-cul­tural rhetoric and com­mu­ni­ca­tion; lis­ten­ing and spo­ken com­mu­nica­tive com­pe­tence.

My Projects



An Open Ed­u­ca­tion Re­source lab­o­ra­tory man­ual for Bi­ol­ogy

OpenStax Biology

Open­Stax Bi­ol­ogy

Open­Stax Bi­ol­ogy Read­ing Sup­ple­ment

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