Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program’s Profile

Active 3 years, 1 month ago
Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program
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Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program
Office Location
300 Jay Street
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My Courses

Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program hasn't joined any courses yet.

My Projects

SEEK Program at City Tech

SEEK Program at City Tech

The SEEK Program (Search for Education and Elevation and Knowledge).

Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program

Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program

The SEEK Program (Search for Education and Elevation and Knowledge) at CUNY was a major achievement and victory for the fierce civil rights struggles of the 60’s. In New York state, civil rights leaders and communities saw their demands accepted that a college education be made available to young people long excluded because of ethnicity or economic status. The performance and achievements of this pioneering, carefully chosen group of students soon led to a policy of open admission in all CUNY colleges. Through the years, SEEK and has served as a model for the development of innovative tutoring, financial aid and support services throughout the university. Students in these programs— understanding the importance of their roles—have aided in bringing educational opportunities to their communities as well as in the creation of ethnic studies programs throughout CUNY. SEEK today continues its mission to bring educational opportunities—and enhanced economic opportunities—to as many young people as possible. SEEK understands that in these difficult days, colleges must provide—in addition to academic classes—the tutorial, counseling, economic and other support services that students need to succeed. Thus they, and our whole society, will benefit from having a confident, educated generation of young people with the potential to create economic self-sufficiency for themselves and their families.



Our project is about exploring different urban cultural experiences through museums and activities. We want to identify with those different from ourselves and share our own personal experiences with others. Mentor/Mentee relationships will help us navigate this cultural terrain and will allow us to express our reflections through our writing.

SEEK ink: An Artist’s Journal

SEEK ink: An Artist’s Journal

A Collection of SEEK students’ Poetry, Prose, & Visual Art

SEEK Resource Center

SEEK Resource Center

Find academic resources.

My Clubs

Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.