Sierra Atkins (SEA)’s Profile

Active 5 years, 4 months ago
Sierra Atkins (SEA)
Display Name
Sierra Atkins (SEA)
Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences
Academic interests

Sociology, Physiology, Art History, Biology, Creative Writing, Human Services, Music History/Theory, Languages


I am pretty quiet and shy so don’t get offended if I don’t talk to you at first, I swear I’m not mean lol.
I like to help children,
I am a lover of art, music , and everything cute.
I am pretty serious about school work so bring it, I love to learn.
I can speak 10 languages but my strongest are Hindi, Spanish, and Japanese. I can only understand TWI but not speak so well.
A friend to everyone.
A church councilor, singer, and more…but im tired of typing

My Courses

ARTH 1102 History of Art: Renaissance to Modern

ARTH 1102 His­tory of Art: Re­nais­sance to Mod­ern

Sur­vey of West­ern Art from 1300 to the Pre­sent

ENG 3407, Gothic Lit, Fall 2019

ENG 3407, Gothic Lit, Fall 2019

Stu­dents crit­i­cally read, an­a­lyze, and write about the pop­u­lar genre of the Gothic. As rep­re­sented in both lit­er­ary and vi­sual terms, in both Eu­rope and the United States be­gin­ning in the late-18th cen­tury to today. Key con­cepts in­clude hor­ror, haunt­ing, mad­ness, and mon­sters.

My Projects

Sierra Atkins (SEA) hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Seekers Christian Fellowship

Seek­ers Chris­t­ian Fel­low­ship

We are a non-de­nom­i­na­tional Chris­t­ian fel­low­ship of cam­pus stu­dents,fac­ulty and/or staff. Our aim is to help fel­low stu­dents meet their spir­i­tual needs in Christ through prayer, wor­ship and bible stud­ies. En­cour­ag­ing each one to seek their own per­sonal re­la­tion­ship with God, guid­ing and teach­ing also on the im­por­tance of the Bible through faith and fel­low­ship.Open to any­one who has ques­tions and/or wants to know more about God. For Freely we have re­ceived grace, and freely we wish to give it as well.

Sierra's Friends

Sierra hasn't created any friend connections yet.