Stephen December’s Profile

Active 8 years, 7 months ago
Stephen December
Display Name
Stephen December
Major Program of Study
Mechanical Engineering Technology

Stephen December

Open to meeting new people and discussing about anything
Pick my brain anytime


My Courses

MECH4800: Advanced 3D Animation Spring2016

MECH4800: Advanced 3D Animation Spring2016

2 cl hrs, 2 lab hrs, 3 cr Extends techniques learned in earlier industrial design courses (IND 2313 and IND 2410) and builds upon theories introduced in earlier animation courses (such as IND 2420). Foundation for advanced animation construction, incorporation of and integration with external media, and techniques to automate and optimize development processes. Dynamic particles, flexible soft body creation, texturing, “hair” particles, fluid simulation, rigging, lighting, and plant simulation. Prerequisites: MECH 3510

MECH3500 Compter Programming and Application

MECH3500 Compter Programming and Application

Matlab, numerical methonds. Please see the couse syllabus.

Prof Cheng’s Fall 2013 History of Photography

Prof Cheng’s Fall 2013 History of Photography

ARTH1100-D400. This course surveys the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to the present. We will examine the use of photography for aesthetic, documentary, and “scientific” purposes, stylistic shifts in photography related to aesthetic concerns, and varying interpretations of subject matter based on social and cultural concerns at specific moments in history. We will also consider the relationship between photography and the visual arts in general, which culminates with the primacy of photography as a medium by the late twentieth century.

Fall 2012 Tu/Th Survey of Art

Fall 2012 Tu/Th Survey of Art

Art is the creation of its creator as well as the cultural, political, economic, and social forces that shaped that artist. This course will connect art to those histories, and will introduce students to the visual language of Western art from ancient to modern times, in order to increase the recognition and understanding of references in advertisements and posters, on clothing, and in film and other media. The course introduces a wide variety of methodologies and topics of current debate in the field of art history, including: style, technique, patronage, iconography (subject matter), social context, historiography (writings about art and how they shaped our concepts), gender, psychoanalysis, and art theory.




My Projects



The Solar Decathlon at City Tech This website is devoted to people in the City Tech community wanting to develop the Solar Decathlon entry in 2015.

Solar Decathlon at City Tech

Solar Decathlon at City Tech

This website is devoted to people in the City Tech community wanting to create a Solar Decathlon entry in 2015.

My Clubs

Stephen December hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.