Sarah’s Profile

Active 5 years, 3 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Entertainment Technology

My Courses

MAT1190 Quantitative Reasoning, Spring 2016

MAT1190 Quantitative Reasoning, Spring 2016

Students develop and apply mathematical, logical, critical thinking, and statistical skills to solve problems in real-world contexts. They acquire skills in the fields of algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, and mathematical modeling. The course incorporates opportunities within the classroom to develop studentsā€™ reading, writing, oral, and listening skills in a mathematical context.

MTEC1005 Physical Computing Skills, SP2019

MTEC1005 Physical Computing Skills, SP2019

The goal of this course is to allow students to design and build a complete physical computing system. With intensive work on the fundamentals of electronics hardware and software design, students will work with components such as LED, potentiometer, photocell, speaker, servo motor, and the Arduino microcontroller development platform. The course culminates with integration and demonstration of all components to building a fully human-interactive system. Throughout the course there will be emphasis on perspectives that balance engineering practice and aesthetic design.

ENT 4410 Technical Direction Spring 2018

ENT 4410 Technical Direction Spring 2018

An in depth analysis of the planning, budgeting and construction processes used in the production of scenery. Students will apply their knowledge of construction and drafting techniques and process to generate shop drawings, develop budget estimates and plan construction schedules.

ENT1190 Video Technology, SP18 Berkoy

ENT1190 Video Technology, SP18 Berkoy

An introduction to the basic components and practices of pre-production and production methodologies for content creation in video production. Through lectures, reading assignments, screenings and practice, students cover the basics of all stages of production inclusive of the processes of forming and working in production management teams, creating effective production aesthetics in pre-production and production stages, and storyboarding, camerawork aesthetics (basic lighting and camera), and editing according to the storyline, design and graphics functions. This is a survey course, in which students perform and demonstrate the different stages of video production to produce short videos.

ENT2210 Advanced Scenery Construction Fall 2017

ENT2210 Advanced Scenery Construction Fall 2017

This course aims to take a student from competency to proficiency in the scene shop. A successful student will be able to take a scenery project from the drawing to completion, either alone or leading a small crew. Skills covered include: construction techniques, project planning, tool and procedure selection, joinery, time and cost estimation and carpentry. Coursework will focus heavily on lab and project work.

My Projects

Entertainment Technology Culmination Project

Entertainment Technology Culmination Project

Project site for all Entertainment Technology and Emerging Media Technology majors.

The Avengers

The Avengers

Cowboys #2

My Clubs

Sarah hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.