Sara’s Profile

Active 9 years, 11 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management
Academic interests



I am a hospitality major because I love interacting with people from all spectrums of life. I have a constant need to help and learn. I have grandiose plans from my furture in all aspect of the hospitality industry.

My Courses

WDW College Program

WDW Col­lege Pro­gram

In­tern­ship with the Walt Dis­ney Com­pany, Or­lando Florida

Intro to Women Writers-Hybrid Spring 2014

Intro to Women Writ­ers-Hy­brid Spring 2014

Of­fi­cial de­scrip­tion: This sur­vey course is de­signed to in­tro­duce both men and women to the writ­ings of se­lected women writ­ers, through read­ings by both major au­thors and less well-known writ­ers. Is­sues of form, struc­ture and genre will be dis­cussed. Stu­dents will read, an­a­lyze and dis­cuss themes raised by women writ­ers. A va­ri­ety of gen­res will be dis­cussed in­clud­ing es­says, short sto­ries and poems, and a novel will be ex­plored. Women writ­ers from the United States, Great Britain, and the Caribbean may be in­cluded.

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