santy’s Profile

Active 11 years, 1 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences

My Courses

Vampires and Zombies in Popular Fiction and Film

Vampires and Zombies in Popular Fiction and Film

An upper level literature course that studies representations of the undead in popular fiction, film, and television. Students will grasp the historical backgrounds of popular representations of the undead in order to put popular culture myths into literary, rhetorical, and cultural contexts. Students will also investigate the relationship between the undead and the living in order to understand America’s fascination with inhuman beings and to problematize Western anthropocentrism. Students also analyze and discuss a wide range of cultural artifacts, study a variety of writing models, and practice both individual and collaborative research, writing, and presentation.

My Projects

Santy Zambrano ePortfolio

Santy Zambrano ePortfolio

This is a project for my English course

My Clubs

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