Samira’s Profile

My Courses
ENG1121-D434 English Composition 2, FA2016 (Tuesdays)
This is an advanced course in communication skills, including the expository essay and the research essay. This course further develops studentsā reading and writing skills through literary and expository readings.
HUS1101 Introduction to Human Services, Fall 2016
This course introduces the human services profession, its knowledge, values, and skills base. Major topics addressed are the history, personal attributes, lifestyles, ideologies, values, and ethical dilemmas. Included are social intervention strategies, interviewing, case management, counseling, program planning, organizing, changing systems, legal issues, and current trends.
This is professor Shepard’s HUS 1202 Community Mental Health Class.
Human Services Seminar Spring 2017
This course is a preparation for Field Placement. We will explore many facets of the Human Services Career Path.
My Projects
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My Clubs
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