Roger Herra’s Profile

Active 4 years, 1 months ago
Roger Herra
Display Name
Roger Herra
Major Program of Study
Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology
Academic interests

Telecommunication Engineering Technology

My Courses

ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History

ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History

A History of Art and Architecture from the Prehistoric Era to the Present

TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management

TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management

This course deals with the technical management of a telecommunication network, personnel tasks, staffing patterns suitable to diverse telecommunications firms and users, with an overview of the issues facing the network manager. Included are studies of cost and trade-offs involved in the design and operation of a telecommunications network. Reliability, MTBF, RFP, and MTTR life cycle are analyzed. Traffic patterns and the study of equipment/manpower balance considerations are covered.

Ins and Outs Of Physical Computing

Ins and Outs Of Physical Computing

An introduction to interactive technology with a focus on how we use technology to express ourselves and interact with our environment. This class will combine a hands-on exploration of sensors and microcontrollers with concepts of interaction design employing a structured design process. Students will work on creative group projects and provide on-line documentation of their work. An array of sensing technologies from simple switches to video tracking will be introduced. Students will use the simple programming of microcontrollers to process incoming data from sensors.

Statistics with Probability

Statistics with Probability

A 3 credit but 4 hour introductory course. Topics include sample space, expectation and variance, binomial, Poisson, normal, student and chi-square distributions, confidence interval, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression. Students do 3 projects, 1 individual and 2 in groups and choose one of the group projects to present at the end of the semester. The extra classroom hour is designed to facilitate a hands-on feel to the course including a heavy use of MS Excel.

My Projects

Writing With Style

Writing With Style

this blog will be about….

R&H Engineering

R&H Engineering

Mission Statement We are a competitive Equipment manufacturer that strives for innovation and excellence. Our equipment ranges from small scale equipment for your average Technician to large scale equipment used for governmental research. The upmost level of quality and craftsmanship can be observed in every final product as well as meeting the specific needs of the engineer. Our team is composed of highly trained installation technicians that will deliver efficiency and professionalism.

Tips & Tricks Tech Shop

Tips & Tricks Tech Shop

This day in age everyone has a form of updated technology. We all have our fears with these new expensive devices. I have a couple of tips, tricks, and hacks for your Smart devices. My real life experience can save you time and headaches. Enjoy!

My Clubs

IEEE Club @ CityTech

IEEE Club @ CityTech

We welcome the CityTech community to learn and grow in the areas of electrical and telecommunications technology. Every semester we provide a series of seminars with speakers that present the latest research. In addition, various workshops are also provided.

Salsa Club

Salsa Club

The Salsa Club was created to teach students how to dance salsa as well as bachata, merengue, and cumbia. We want students to have fun and let loose after a long and stressful class. Students will have a great learning experience and get a work out in at the same time! We are located in the Klitgord Center Gym Mondays and Wednesday from 11am-12:15pm and Thursdays at 1:45pm-3pm. To find out further information email us at