robine’s Profile

Active 11 years, 7 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Human Services
Academic interests

pyschology, mathemathics, literature, philosophy


Hello, everyone im so glad to have you come and visit my site. Well, first and foremost my name is robine philippe. i was born and raised in the very outgoing and outspoken newyork, in a big city called Brooklyn. I think i would describe myself in maybe one gret big sentence… Effectively, beautifully ouspoken humanistic lovable person. I say this because in that one, quite very long sentence describes who i am and what i am constant;y working to be. I have true humanistic value of hardwork and loyalty. I stay loyal to my words and true to my actions. I am currently in school ttrying to obtain y bachelors so that i can hopefully go and get my masters in the concentratio of a guidance counselor. Working with children has aways bee my passion annd evry smile i give is another humble heart i effectfly obtain and work to become better. I love love to cook a well as i am very much so an outdoorsey type of person that enjoys the open ar and vivid liveness of the open world. I want to learn to obtain true compassionate and better understanding of what goes on i the world so that i can be a true advocate someday in my field of study. I hope you all enjoy and God bless you all!!!!….. Remember each heart you grab is another lockful of hope and love given to you to share and join in with understanding.

My Courses



Students have the ability to learn how to create an ePortfolio for their professional and academic skills.

My Projects

robine philippe’s eportfoilio

robine philippe’s eportfoilio

this will be discussing my introduction, the facts of my life, and what influenced me in to the field of study in school which i am taking now.

My Clubs

Children of God

Children of God

singing in the choir, praise, reading scriptures, and participating in church functions such as bake sales and church trips, and concerts

robine's Friends

robine hasn't created any friend connections yet.