Robert Davis’s Profile

My Courses
The architectural process involved in designing small to medium size projects for specific building types. Scope covers initial research and analysis, program development, flow diagrams, schematic design, and massing studies through final presentation. Final presentations will include drawings and models reviewed by a design jury. There will be three projects and a final portfolio. Research papers, 2D and 3D drawings, and physical study models and final models will be utilized in program development, design and presentations. Each student will also participate in building one of the site models for the projects.
Building Technology IIII
ENG 2700, Intro to PTW, Fall 2015
Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing (ENG 2700), surveys a broad range of issues related to the domains of professional and technical writing. Students will be introduced to the central issues, debates, and methods from both fields; consideration will be given to the ways in which traditional forms of technical and professional writing have evolved alongside technologies.
An analysis of static structures with a focus on steel and wood construction
My Projects
Building Technology III Team #1
Throughout the Semester members of this Team Consisting of Marie-Odile Baretsky, Robert Davis, Hadiza Djibring and David Encarnacion will post up blog entries on assignment given in class by Prof. King During the Spring2014 semester of Building Technology III.
My Clubs
Robert Davis hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.
Robert's Friends
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