Reynaldo Munoz’s Profile
My Courses
CST 2410: Introduction to Computer Security
This course is an introduction to security issues facing computer professionals today. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills on how to maintain the integrity, authenticity, availability and privacy of data. It covers computer viruses, authentication models, certificates, group policy, cryptography, and access control. It also introduces the fundamental security issues of programming, database and web server. Other topics include how to monitor the system for suspicious activity and fend off attacks, to keep spies and Spam out of the e-mail, to take control of security by encrypting data, to design Active directory, blocking ports, and locking down the registry.
Prof. James Wu_10am_Eng1121_D420_Spring2020
This course builds on its prerequisite, ENG 1101. Together, we will explore and write within new genres, conduct research, and reflect on our writing practices. The big goal is that after you finish this sequence, you’ll be able to analyze and participate in genres inside and outside of higher ed. We’re aiming to build skills that will be useful inD420 future coursework, the workplace, and in your personal lives. In other words, this course isn’t self-contained—we’re aiming to give you a toolbox of skills that you can apply across situations.
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