Kitching Rhoda Wong’s Profile

Active 7 years, 10 months ago
Kitching Rhoda Wong
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Kitching Rhoda Wong
Assistant Professor
Human Services
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My Courses



An overview and in­tro­duc­tion to so­cial wel­fare and human ser­vices in the United States. The pro­fes­sion of human ser­vices, its knowl­edge base, val­ues and skills. Major top­ics cov­ered are his­tor­i­cal back­ground, human ser­vices prac­tice, so­cial ser­vices, spe­cial is­sues and pop­u­la­tions.

My Projects

HUS 1101 Course Resource Lab

HUS 1101 Course Re­source Lab

Changes in the human ser­vices con­tinue to pre­sent the need for in­ter-pro­fes­sional col­lab­o­ra­tion. As such, strong writ­ten and tech­no­log­i­cal skills are cru­cial for ef­fec­tive prac­tice and to meet the com­plex needs of clients. As this is the in­tro­duc­tory course to the major and one that de­vel­ops the foun­da­tion skills stu­dents will uti­lized through­out the major’s cur­ricu­lum, it is im­por­tant for stu­dent suc­cess to front load their writ­ing skills through a va­ri­ety of ped­a­gog­i­cal ap­proaches that also in­clude tech­no­log­i­cal sup­ports. As such, Human Ser­vices stu­dents re­quire (a) In­no­v­a­tive cur­ricu­lum and in­struc­tion that af­fords them these skills more ef­fec­tively and to strengthen these skills early on in their course of study. (b) Fac­ulty also need re­sources and sup­port for im­ple­ment­ing a va­ri­ety of teach­ing prac­tices and as­sess­ment mea­sures to meet de­part­men­tal goals. This in­cludes de­vel­op­ing high im­pact prac­tices that en­gage stu­dents in writ­ing in­ten­sive in­struc­tion. This site will , thus, serve as a re­source ex­change for in­struc­tion on writ­ing skills for the human ser­vices, and les­son mod­ule or as­sign­ment that in­volves the use of the col­leges open ac­cess plat­form. Ob­jec­tives: -Strengthen stu­dent writ­ing skills: Ac­quire and use tools needed for com­mu­ni­ca­tion, in­quiry, analy­sis, and pro­duc­tive work. -Im­prove stu­dent re­ten­tion and com­ple­tion rates. -Fac­ulty train­ing on de­liv­er­ing high im­pact prac­tices to meet Gen­eral Ed­u­ca­tion out­comes and as­sess­ments, and self-study pro­gram out­comes. Gen­eral Ed­u­ca­tion SLOs: Skills: Ac­quire and use tools needed for com­mu­ni­ca­tion, in­quiry, analy­sis, and pro­duc­tive work Com­mu­ni­ca­tion In­quiry and Analy­sis Val­ues, Ethics and Re­la­tion­ships: Un­der­stand and apply val­ues, ethics, and di­verse per­spec­tives in per­sonal, pro­fes­sional, civic, and cul­tural/global do­mains. Pro­fes­sional/Per­sonal De­vel­op­ment Ethics/Val­ues How will this be done? Ad­di­tional Lec­ture on how to read peer-re­viewed jour­nals How to cite in APA style and Avoid Pla­gia­rism WAC Fel­low Sup­port Re­design Term Paper to meet the fol­low­ing ob­jec­tives: Un­der­stand­ing of the his­tor­i­cal de­vel­op­ment of human ser­vices in­clud­ing its im­pact. Stu­dents will be able to an­a­lyze and in­ter­pret his­tor­i­cal data for ap­pli­ca­tions in ad­vo­cacy and so­cial change. Ex­plore their per­sonal val­ues as they re­late to the HUS Code of Ethics and Stan­dards for Prac­tice High Im­pact Ed­u­ca­tional Prac­tices: Which of George Kuh’s High Im­pact Ed­u­ca­tional Prac­tices will be in­cor­po­rated into the course? (X)Com­mon in­tel­lec­tual ex­pe­ri­ences (core cur­ricu­lum) (X) Learn­ing com­mu­ni­ties (X)Writ­ing-in­ten­sive courses (X) Ser­vice- or com­mu­nity-based learn­ing

My Clubs

Human Services Club

Human Ser­vices Club

The Human Ser­vice Club, is a great way to net­work, help oth­ers, be an ac­tivist, and gain ex­pe­ri­ence in the human ser­vice field.