Raidan Kassemā€™s Profile

Active 11 months ago
Raidan Kassem
Display Name
Raidan Kassem
Major Program of Study
Mechanical Engineering Technology

My Courses

MECH3550 Simulation and Visualization OER

MECH3550 SimĀ­uĀ­laĀ­tion and ViĀ­suĀ­alĀ­izaĀ­tion OER

An AdĀ­vanced Course reĀ­lated to SimĀ­uĀ­latĀ­ing, ViĀ­suĀ­alĀ­izĀ­ing, and ModĀ­elĀ­ing using mulĀ­tiĀ­ple difĀ­ferĀ­ent softĀ­ware.

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