Rolando Barredo’s Profile

Active 5 years, 7 months ago
Rolando Barredo
Display Name
Rolando Barredo
Major Program of Study
Computer Engineering Technology

My Courses

EMT2370 | Spring 2024 | Dr. Mendoza

EMT2370 | Spring 2024 | Dr. Mendoza

EMT 2370: Computer Hardware Systems Computer hardware systems, along with several software concepts, are studied to understand the function and relationship of the CPU, memory, and peripheral equipment. Course material is chosen for relevance to industry certification exams such as A+. The peripheral equipment includes monitors, disk drives, scanners, and printers. During laboratory exercises, computer systems, with monitor and operating system, are provided for analysis by students working in teams. However, as an option, each student can build, configure, analyze and troubleshoot his or her own IBM PC (or compatible) computer.

ENG1101 D320 College Composition I, FA2015

ENG1101 D320 College Composition I, FA2015

City Tech’s ENG 1101, English Composition I course prepares you for the kinds of communication, research, and literacies that you will develop and use throughout your academic and professional careers. You might ask, “How does it do this?” Fundamentally, it develops your understanding, application, and critical awareness of these two concepts: 1) Communication is rhetorical, and 2) Communication is multimodal, or WOVEN (written, oral, visual, electronic, and nonverbal). This course introduces these concepts to you through lectures, activities, and projects. You will build on what you learn now in all of your other coursework and your professional life. Each ENG 1101 class is unique, because while each one has the same basic outcomes, each is taught by an instructor with his or her own research and pedagogical approach. In our class, we will use the interdisciplinary field of the neurosciences as a way to focus our conversations and projects. Of course, communication is about the transference of information via the senses and processed by each audience member’s brain. In addition, the brain and its embodied perception systems define how we are most receptive to receiving communications, thinking about communications, and being persuaded by communications. Furthermore, digital communication and computing technologies are essential to communication, which you need to master. However, we will study how to use these tools with a critical eye toward the effect of these technologies on the way we think and communicate with one another.

ENG1710 Intro to Language and Technology, SP2019

ENG1710 Intro to Language and Technology, SP2019

In this rewarding and challenging introductory class, we will endeavor to understand the deep and complex relationship between language and technology through readings and discussion. You will apply your insights and discoveries to a major research project focused on a single form of technology-mediated communication. What you learn will have important significance to a successful career in technical communication.

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