Rayner Mendez’s Profile

Active 4 years, 3 months ago
Rayner Mendez
Display Name
Rayner Mendez
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology
Academic interests

Software Engineering

My Courses

Rayner Mendez hasn't joined any courses yet.

My Projects

Rayner Mendez hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Computer Information Association

Com­puter In­for­ma­tion As­so­ci­a­tion

The Com­puter is a stu­dent or­ga­ni­za­tion that pro­vides a cre­ative and safe learn­ing en­vi­ron­ment where col­lege stu­dents ma­jor­ing in com­puter re­lated courses and/or in­ter­ested in com­put­ers and tech­nol­ogy, work to­gether with other stu­dents to ex­plore their own ideas, de­velop skills, and build con­fi­dence in them­selves through the use of tech­nol­ogy. The com­puter club plan and or­ga­nize pro­jects and ac­tiv­i­ties with the pur­pose of en­hance tech­ni­cal skills and knowl­edge out­side the class­rooms and de­velop team work skills and in­ter­per­sonal com­mu­ni­ca­tions among the club mem­bers. Mem­bers will learn to ap­pre­ci­ate and enjoy a va­ri­ety of soft­ware ap­pli­ca­tions and tech­nolo­gies in­clud­ing such tech­nolo­gies as web de­sign, pro­gram­ming, net­works, video games de­sign, phone ap­pli­ca­tion de­sign and mul­ti­me­dia pre­sen­ta­tions. Meet­ing dates and time: Thurs­days 12:45-2:15 pm Meet­ing Lo­ca­tion: N906 Phone Num­ber: (347) 699-CLUB (2582) Email: com­put­er­clubc­i­tytech@​gmail.​com

Math Club

Math Club

What do math­e­mati­cians do? Can math­e­mat­ics be fun and in­ter­est­ing? Do you like free pizza? The Math Club is open to every­one with an in­ter­est in logic puz­zles, games of chance or strat­egy, and math­e­mat­ics in gen­eral. We host a va­ri­ety of math re­lated events, math talks, math games, math puz­zles, field trips, math com­pe­ti­tions, and more. Feel free to stop by on Thurs­days in Namm N719, from 1-2pm.

Mobile Application Developers

Mo­bile Ap­pli­ca­tion De­vel­op­ers

Wel­come to Mo­bile Ap­pli­ca­tion De­vel­op­ers (M.A.D.)! The mo­bile mar­ket is HOT! Come join the club and share ideas and cre­ate new pro­jects! All lev­els of ex­per­tise are wel­come!

Rayner's Friends

Rayner hasn't created any friend connections yet.