Rana Das’s Profile

Active 9 years ago
Rana Das
Display Name
Rana Das
Major Program of Study
Mechanical Engineering Technology

My Courses

ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History

ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History

A History of Art and Architecture from the Prehistoric Era to the Present

2015 Spring – MAT 2680 Differential Equations – Reitz

2015 Spring – MAT 2680 Differential Equations – Reitz

A differential equation is an equation that relates a function to one or more of its derivatives. – The above rather boring description does little to convey just how fundamental, widespread, and amazingly effective differential equations are in describing the world around us. – Examples: Anything in motion. Also, many things that are not in motion. Also, many additional things to which the word “motion” does not really apply. – Further examples: spaceships in orbit, populations growing and shrinking, a cup of coffee slowly cooling, springs bouncing, financial markets rising and falling, electrical current flowing through a circuit, ocean waves, sound waves, light waves, vibrations in musical instruments and airplane wings and suspension bridges, – More examples: Pretty much everything. Topics include methods of solving ordinary differential equations and applications to various problems. Course Avatar and Site Header from a photo by Flickr user Mat Che: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mcinteractivity/

Senior Design Project

Senior Design Project

This is a follow-up course of the two product design courses (IND 3610, Product Design I, and IND 4710, Product Design II). It provides graduating students a hand-on opportunity to practice concurrent engineering design. It requires students to pull all the knowledge and skills they acquired in early courses and apply them towards the design and implementation of a product thus giving the students an opportunity to experience team-based design under conditions that closely resemble current industry practice. Students will also develop and sharpen skills in team organization, time management, self-discipline, and technical writing, in order to be successful in this course.

MECH4800: Advanced 3D Animation Spring2015

MECH4800: Advanced 3D Animation Spring2015

2 cl hrs, 2 lab hrs, 3 cr Extends techniques learned in earlier industrial design courses (IND 2313 and IND 2410) and builds upon theories introduced in earlier animation courses (such as IND 2420). Foundation for advanced animation construction, incorporation of and integration with external media, and techniques to automate and optimize development processes. Dynamic particles, flexible soft body creation, texturing, “hair” particles, fluid simulation, rigging, lighting, and plant simulation. Prerequisites: MECH 3510

Simulation and Visualization, Nakamura FA2014

Simulation and Visualization, Nakamura FA2014

Instructor: Professor Masato R. Nakamura Room: V507 Time T 6:00-9:20pm Code: LEC E426

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