Adrien E. Paez’s Profile

Active 3 years, 2 months ago
Adrien E. Paez
Display Name
Adrien E. Paez
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

History and anything that stimulates my thinking


This dude likes company and is willing to lend a hand, he carries a wide arrange of interests that are sometimes unironic

X (formerly Twitter)

My Courses

COMD 1233 Section HD68 Figure Drawing, Fall 2021

COMD 1233 Section HD68 Figure Drawing, Fall 2021

A drawing course developing visual awareness of the human figure. Students develop an understanding of the basic forms of the human body, how those forms are connected and move, and how to draw those forms proportionally. Students also consider how the human form relates to the world around it, developing a clear understanding of how to create a composition containing proportional figures within a space according to perspective.



This course builds on ENG 1101. Together, we will explore the question: what is the social context of writing? We will also lay the starting points to build a personalized writing practice within a cross section of genres, conduct research as inquiry, and reflect on our writing practices.



This is the Open Lab site for Kieran Reichert’s MW 8:30-9:45 section of ENG 1121 in the Fall 2019 semester. You will find the syllabus, readings, assignments, and any other information you may need here.



This is the Open Lab site for Kieran Reichert’s Tuesday 6:00-8:30 section of ENG 1121 in the Spring 2020 semester. You will find the syllabus, readings, assignments, and any other information you may need here.

COMD1257 Type II, FA2019-FRIDAY

COMD1257 Type II, FA2019-FRIDAY

Introduces a variety of basic layouts and formats, building technical and practical fluency in setting and working with type for both print and screen. This course further explores topics learned in COMD 1127 Type and Media, such as typeface selection and the use of the typographical grids. Problem-solving for most common typographical problems is discussed.

My Projects

Adrien E. Paez hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Philosophy Club

Philosophy Club

What is this philosophy-stuff all about? Come watch some philosophy videos and engage in a little philosophy talk! Philosophers and non-philosophers welcome.

City Tech Ink Club

City Tech Ink Club

City Tech’s Ink Club is a place where illustrators and sequential artists can discuss and practice their craft in storytelling. On Openlab we’ll share links to helpful resources, general information, and post about events ad work we’re creating.