Ronald Wong’s Profile

My Courses
English 1121:: The real-time laboratory for persuasive writers and speakers
Strong and confident writers who are comfortable marrying content and form graduate from this course, which focuses on essay writing while building analytical-reading and critical-thinking skills.
IND2313 Industrial Design I, Fall 2016
This course introduces students to the field of industrial design. It provides a framework for the development of design methodology. Students will use computers to create visual features of forms, configurations, patterns, and ornaments involved in the product design. Emphases will be placed on the multidisciplinary approach and the integration of design and engineering. Students are required to utilize the knowledge they learned to produce various design projects. Days & Times Room Instructor Meeting Dates Th 2:15PM – 5:35PM Voorhees V-511A Masato Nakamura 08/27/2015 – 12/23/2015
IND1112: D103 Engineering Drawing I, Fall 2013
Course Website: Course Profile (this page): Time: W 10:00 – 11:40 AM, W 12:00 – 1:40 PM Room: V/0511-A Instructor: Masato R. Nakamura (Office: V532) Description: Introduction to CAD working environment, Basic 2-D geometric construction and orthographic projections utilizing CAD systems.
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