Professor Patrick Slattery’s Profile

Decision Support, AI, Blockchain, Risk Management, Cybersecurity, Systems Implementation
Aligning information, decision-making, work processes and the foundation of technology which supports it all. Driving efficiency in the talent supply chain to raise the level of cybersecurity talent globally.
I am dedicated to two things:
1.) working with talented individuals to propel their success;
2.) putting pieces together for an effective result.
Specialties: strategy, strategic program management; resilience, IT risk management and cybersecurity; service delivery model design; management and team motivation; planning, forecasting and performance management; predictive modeling; machine learning; talent development; Business Intelligence (BI); Enterprise Resource Management (ERP); protection of assets; RPA; interactive data, semantic web, XBRL, etc.
My Courses
CIS 9490 UTA Fa23 – Systems Analysis and Design
Organizations depend on computer information systems and technology to operate efficiently. This course first instructs students in current methods of analyzing business situations and systems to model complete and coherent definitions of systems requirements. Next, learning focuses on methods for developing logical and physical designs of these systems. Finally, these designs form the bases of systems development and implementation. The course emphasizes software engineering best practices in creating robust, reliable, and appropriate systems regardless of technology, size, scope, type and geographic distribution.
CST2312 HD32 Sp23- Information and Data Management I (Data Science)
This course introduces students to the necessary informatics and intellectual tools to become efficient and effective information users. The course covers topics related to digital infrastructure, acquisition, organization, management, and curation of data. The course is structured around the Python tools for regular expression analysis, accessing data sources (crawling, Web APIs), and analysis of structured data. At the end of the class, the students complete a project to demonstrate mastery of the technical topics discussed in class with an application to their domain of interest.
CST 3512 HD34 Sp23 – Information and Data Management II (Data Science)
This course is a continuation of CST 2312 Information and Data Management I. This course continues to familiarize students with the informatics and intellectual tools necessary for students to become efficient and effective information users. The course covers topics related to the digital infrastructure, management, and curation of data both structured (record-based) and unstructured (such as text). The course will concentrate on the Python tools for accessing data sources (crawling, Web APIs), data cleaning, text data analysis, data visualization. At the end of the class the students complete a group project to demonstrate the mastery of the technical topics discussed in class with an application to their domain of interest.
CST 2410 HD19 Su22 – Introduction to Computer Security (5wks)
This course is an introduction to security issues facing computer professionals today. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills on how to maintain the integrity, authenticity, availability, and privacy of data. It covers computer viruses, authentication models, certificates, group policy, cryptography, and access control. It also introduces the fundamental security issues of programming, database, and web server. Other topics include how to monitor the system for suspicious activity and fend off attacks, to keep spies and Spam out of the e-mail, to take control of security by encrypting data, to design Active directory, blocking ports, and locking down the registry. This course includes discussion of cybersecurity frameworks including NIST.
CST 2410 OL20 Su21 – Introduction to Computer Security (5wks)
This course is an introduction to security issues facing computer professionals today. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills on how to maintain the integrity, authenticity, availability, and privacy of data. It covers computer viruses, authentication models, certificates, group policy, cryptography, and access control. It also introduces the fundamental security issues of programming, database, and web server. Other topics include how to monitor the system for suspicious activity and fend off attacks, to keep spies and Spam out of the e-mail, to take control of security by encrypting data, to design Active directory, blocking ports, and locking down the registry. This course includes discussion of cybersecurity frameworks including NIST.
My Projects
City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information
Immersive Instructional Design Workshop Hub
Openly licensed digital learning object or short tutorials created by faculty participants in the January 2022 Immersive Instructional Design Workshop.
Immersive Instructional Design Workshop
January immersive instructional design workshop about information literacy, discipline-specific research practices and Information Literacy (IL) skills, and accessible Instructional Design (ID) principles. The workshop will culminate in the production of an openly licensed digital learning object or short tutorial.
My Clubs
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Professor's Friends
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