peggylu’s Profile

Active 9 years, 9 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

Arts, Literature & Writing, Phtography, Publicity Production Management, Designs

My Courses

ENG3771 D564 Advanced Career Writing, FA2014

EN­G3771 D564 Ad­vanced Ca­reer Writ­ing, FA2014

ENG 3771, Ad­vanced Ca­reer Writ­ing gives you op­por­tu­ni­ties to learn im­por­tant tech­ni­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills, heuris­tics, and ap­proaches that you will use in the work­place. Bor­row­ing ideas from Don­ald A. Nor­man’s Liv­ing with Com­plex­ity (2010), we can think of tech­ni­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tion as a way of man­ag­ing com­plex­ity. Using rhetoric, re­search, and process, we can make com­plex in­for­ma­tion, tasks, and tech­nol­ogy far eas­ier to un­der­stand, ac­com­plish, and use. In order to ac­com­plish these things, we need to focus our use of WOVEN (writ­ten, oral, vi­sual, elec­tronic, and non­ver­bal) modes of com­mu­ni­ca­tion on the needs of our read­ers. How­ever, we must base our strate­gies and ap­proaches on clearly ar­tic­u­lated goals and firmly es­tab­lished re­search; we must test our de­liv­er­ables for us­abil­ity; and we must re­vise our de­liv­er­ables to meet our clients’ re­quire­ments. Above all else, as tech­ni­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tors, we must fol­low pro­fes­sional and eth­i­cal codes of be­hav­ior. In this class, you will learn about these im­por­tant as­pects of tech­ni­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tion through daily ex­er­cises, hands-on ac­tiv­i­ties, and col­lab­o­ra­tive ser­vice-based pro­jects.

ADV1100 Graphic Principles 1

AD­V1100 Graphic Prin­ci­ples 1

This basic de­sign and color the­ory course ex­plores graphic com­mu­ni­ca­tion through the un­der­stand­ing of the el­e­ments and prin­ci­ples of de­sign, as well as the de­sign process, in­clud­ing idea de­vel­op­ment through final ex­e­cu­tion. This is a course in vi­sual lit­er­acy and the de­sign process: How we see, how we an­a­lyze the ef­fects of our vi­sion, and how we craft a de­sign that will have en­ergy and con­tent. All pro­jects will in­clude thumb­nail sketches, dis­cus­sion and re­search. A weekly scrap­book will be kept. Media used are paint, paper, ink, pen­cil, ruler, knife, glue, and dig­i­tal soft­ware for ex­press­ing graphic ideas. Nu­mer­ous cri­tiques will take place through­out the course and stu­dents’ ac­tive en­gage­ment in group dis­cus­sion will play a vital role in es­tab­lish­ing an at­mos­phere of col­lab­o­ra­tion and shared learn­ing.

COMD2450 Web1, SP2015

COMD2450 Web1, SP2015

A re­quired course for all Ad­ver­tis­ing De­sign and Graphic Arts stu­dents. Top­ics in­clude cre­ative user in­ter­face de­sign and best work­flow prac­tice. Stu­dents will de­sign a web­site using an XHTML tem­plate, and will de­velop de­sign, ty­pog­ra­phy and web pro­gram­ming skills. XHTML and CSS will be taught. Over the se­mes­ter, you will: • De­sign and build an ef­fec­tive per­sonal port­fo­lio web site • Gain a solid foun­da­tion in cur­rent web markup lan­guages (HTML & CSS) • Ex­plore in­dus­try stan­dards in lay­out de­sign and func­tion­al­ity • Up­load a fully op­er­a­tional site to a per­sonal URL

ADV1103 Foundation Drawing, SP14_Tues

AD­V1103 Foun­da­tion Draw­ing, SP14_Tues

This draw­ing course in­tro­duces basic con­cepts, tools, tech­niques and the role of draw­ing in de­sign, il­lus­tra­tion, an­i­ma­tion and games. The course will also cover pro­jec­tion sys­tems, plans, el­e­va­tions, sec­tions, oblique, iso­met­ric, one-point per­spec­tive and two-point per­spec­tive views.

My Projects

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