Peter Catapano’s Profile

Active 1 weeks, 6 days ago
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HIS1111 US History after 1865 Spring 2020

HIS1111 US History after 1865 Spring 2020

Peter Catapano
HIS 1111|Spring 2020

This course will acquaint students with the major debates, issues and problems in U.S. history since the end of the Civil War. Topics included Reconstruction, immigration; progressive reform; women’s suffrage; the […]

HIS 1110: US History to 1865

Peter Catapano
HIS1110|Spring 2020

A survey of significant developments in American history from European contact through the Civil War.

HIS3208 History of U.S. Immigration

Peter Catapano
HIS 3208|Spring 2020

This course traces the history of immigration and ethnicity in the United States from colonial times to the present.